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Missionaries - Brazil

Bruce & Lee Ann Nichols

Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Joined BGFM Global: January 1975




Academic History:​ 

  • Calvary Bible College
    Bachelor of Science

  • Grace Theological Seminary
    Master’s in Missions


How He Serves:​ 

  • Counseling, especially of those in mourning or who have suffered loss

  • Training others for homeschooling

  • Missions conferences

  • Family conferences

  • Sale of Christian literature

  • Teaching in churches, seminaries, and Bible institutes (Seminário Batista Regular da Bahia - Regular Baptist Seminary of Bahia)





Lee Ann


Academic History:​ Moody Bible Institute Bachelor’s in Christian Education


How She Serves: 

  • Counseling, especially of those in mourning or who have suffered loss

  • Counseling of women and young people

  • Homeschooling


"Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood."


Acts 20:28



Bruce & Lee Ann have been serving as missionaries with BGFM Global since 1977.


They have been serving in the following ministries:


  • Evangelistic and discipleship home Bible studies in the books of Genesis and the Gospel of John, to the end of:

  • The establishing of local Bible preaching churches

  • The training of male leadership to be qualified gospel preachers and shepherds of the flock


Other ministries are:


  • Bible preaching messages recorded and made available on YouTube

  • Not-for-profit distribution of Bibles and selected Bible study books

  • Biblical counseling

  • Hospitality


All is done for the glory of God and the edification of the body of Christ in the faith of God’s Word.


“Finally brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.”


II Thessalonians 3:1

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