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Missionaries > Portugal

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Adil & Érica Reis

Setúbal (Lisbon Metropolitan Area), Portugal

Joined BGFM Global: January 2017

Sending church: Igreja Batista Regular da Pituba (Pituba Regular Baptist Church) in Salvador, Bahia

Adil Reis


Field: Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul (January 2012 - December 2013); Fortaleza, Ceará (January 2014 - present); 


They hope to return to Uruguaiana in the fall semester (or second half) of 2020.

Sending church: Igreja Bíblica Batista Maranata (Maranatha Bible Baptist Church)

Academic History:​ 

  • SIBIMA (Maranatha Seminary and Bible Institute)
    Bachelor’s in Theology with Emphasis in Missions

  • Ministério Pregue a Palavra (Preach the Word Ministry)
    Specialization in Biblical Exposition

  • Piedmont International University
    Master’s in Ministry (in progress)

Where he serves: churches, seminaries, Bible institutes

How he serves:

  • Missions conferences

  • Children’s ministry

  • Training of leaders for local churches

  • Church planting


Érica Reis

Academic History:​ 

  • Seminário Batista do Cariri - Faculdade Kúrios (Cariri Baptist Seminary - Kúrios College)
    Bachelor’s in Theology

How she serves:

  • Counseling, especially of those in mourning or who have suffered loss

  • Bible classes for women

  • Bible classes for children


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